What Does The Bible Say About Families?

God’s salvation plan has always involved families. At the beginning of the Hebrew Canon in Genesis 17:7 God promised Abraham,

“I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your  descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your  descendants after you.”

Genesis 17:7

Faith Should Be Passed Down

As the church began in Acts 2:38-39, the promise was echoed, 

“Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for  the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The  promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord  our God will call.”

Acts 2:38-39

Church should reflect God’s heart for the generations.

God’s will is that faith should be passed on to our children. While the name Youth & Family Ministry is fairly new to our family of churches, the concept is not.

We have always desired our children to have deep, meaningful relationships with God. The shift is purposeful in recognizing the importance and influence of the family on our children’s spiritual development. 

The family has always been God’s primary vessel. 

The church strives to work alongside the family to assist in spiritual formation and discipleship. 

Characteristics of a Healthy Youth and Family Ministry

Each church is different. We have different needs and resources. We will have different schedules and methods, but we can look at common traits that should be in place for any healthy ministry. 

There are some tangible measurements to determine a church’s effectiveness, such as the number of teenagers who are disciples. However, there are many important intangibles as well. We have listed some critical characteristics below.

Healthy Youth and Family Characteristics:

  • Christian parents who are committed and involved in the spiritual lives of their teens. 
  • A strong teamwork between the church leaders, the Youth leaders, the parents, the teen workers, and the teens. 
  • Parents are being regularly equipped by the church leadership through both discipling and training.
  • Teens are being trained and maturing in faith, character, knowledge, and use of God’s Word. 
  • The kids who grew up in the church are converted and stay faithful through their later teen years. 
  • Teen disciples successfully transition into campus and/or single ministries where they continue as faithful and giving disciples.
  • Teens of non-members and their families being influenced positively by the church
  • Strong spiritual relationships with the other teens, campus students, and adults across the church. 
  • A strong connection to other Youth and Family Ministries
  • A dynamic, fun, and spiritual youth ministry!

Building a Legacy

A healthy Youth and Family ministry reflects God’s plan for faith to be passed down through generations. By working together, with parents, teens, and the church, we can raise up the next generation to know the love of God, hoping to build a legacy for generations to come.


At the core of every Christian household is the potential for a transformative spiritual journey.

It’s guided by the Bible and the profound question: “If parents are the primary spiritual influencers, what steps should we take?”

This journey goes beyond mere faith instillation. It’s about integrating biblical teachings and family boundaries to foster a vibrant, lived faith.

Read full article here: Building Faith at Home: Nurturing Family Boundaries According to the Bible.

Additional Articles

By Pat Genova

Avatar photoPat Genova is the lead minister of Southern CT Church of Christ.

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