Building Faith at Home: Nurturing Family Boundaries According to the Bible

At the core of every Christian household is the potential for a transformative spiritual journey. It’s guided by the Bible and the profound question: “If parents are the primary spiritual influencers, what steps should we take?” This journey goes beyond mere faith instillation. It’s about integrating biblical teachings and family boundaries to foster a vibrant, lived faith.

A concerning trend emerges from surveys within our community: while many Christian parents recognize the importance of imparting faith, less than 30% actively pursue faith-building activities outside church. This gap raises concerns about our children’s spiritual direction post-college and signals a call to action.

Here are some additional statistics from the Search Institute survey of over 11,000 church-going teenagers:

  • 12% have a regular dialogue with their mother on faith/life issues
  • 5% have a regular dialogue with their father on faith/life issues
  • 9% have experienced regular reading from the Bible at home
  • 12% have experienced a servanthood event with a parent as an action of faith

The Stark Reality: A Call for Reflection and Action

Our interactions with our children reveal their unique gifts and memorable faith moments. However, these moments only begin to address the responsibilities scripture outlines for us. 

Joshua 24:15 asserts, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” 

This, alongside Deuteronomy 6:4-9’s detailed instructions for faith integration into daily life, provides a clear mandate for families.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Biblical Boundaries to pass on Faith to our kids:

  • When you sit at home – Dinner times
  • When you walk along the road – in the commute
  • When you lie down – before bed routines
  • When you get up – set the tone for the day

6 Practical Steps Towards Building Faith at Home

  • Recognize and Utilize Teachable Moments: Every moment, whether at dinner or during commutes, is an opportunity for faith discussions and value instillation.
  • Model Authentic Faith: Our genuine faith actions and interactions teach our children how faith influences life. Don’t try to be perfect! 
  • Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Proactively discussing life’s significant issues from a faith perspective equips our children with biblical wisdom.
  • Serve Together: Acts of service strengthen family bonds and faith, teaching compassion and the joy of giving.
  • Commit to Continuous Lordship: Seek personal growth through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. These character studies that the Southern Connecticut Church of Christ created, are designed to help teenagers understand the character of Christ and how to become more like him. Weekly Friday devotionals could also be a good tradition to implement.
  • Depend on God: Acknowledging the enormity of parenting, we lean on God for guidance, knowing we don’t face this task alone.

Conclusion: A Unified Commitment to Change

The startling statistics and scripture’s clear directives spur us towards change. Embracing the mantra “As for me and my household” we commit to serving the Lord and integrating His truths into our daily lives. This challenging period presents an opportunity to reinforce our family bonds and spiritual commitments.

Q&A Section for Parental Reflection and Action:

  • What trait do you feel like you really want to model for your kids? What do you want them to see in you? 
  • Reflect on your child’s gifts. How can these honor God?
  • Recall a faith moment with your child. What did it teach you?
  • Consider needed resources or support. How can your community assist?

Our journey to nurture faith at home requires dedication, perseverance, and God’s grace. Together, we strive to leave a lasting legacy of vibrant faith for generations.

Book Suggestion:

As a Christian parent, you want your children to develop good character and godly wisdom. But how do you go beyond hoping and praying to teaching them ethical knowledge, practical skills, and virtuous habits? The Life and Faith Field Guide for Parents by Joe Carter provides practical, effective ideas to help your children build their faith and character in 50 ways.

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