God is With You Through it All

We pray you enjoy the following Devotional. To see all of our devotionals follow this link: Devotional Series

God sets the lonely in families

– Psalm 68:6a

These past months we have been isolated and separated from the loving hugs and face-to-face time with those who care about us. But even things opening up won’t change the truth that no matter how many friends we have, we can still feel alone and unprotected. We can struggle with thoughts and feelings that no one completely understands even if we explain them. The battles we wage are most often in the mind and heart and so are private and even hidden. In our struggles we can feel like we’re standing alone while facing an army bent on taking us down.

Yet the truth is we are not alone and have never been.

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,

for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

-Psalm 23:1-4

We are not on a battlefield but in a pasture. There are many obstacles and pitfalls in this global pasture, but God’s word guides us safely around them and out of them when we fall in. 

You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.

-Psalm 18:36 

His word sets the boundaries, makes us aware of the traps, and leads us to safe roads and places. The better we know it and apply it, the safer and more secure we will be. Then we can extend a strong hand to others. Most of the world lives blind and ensnared without hope or help.

But the Word of God as protector and guide is not all that God has given us. In His great mercy and goodness He has given us a profound gift that has shocked the devil and confounded evil. He has given us Himself. Behold the Great Shepherd who stands in constant watch over his global pasture!

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

-1 Chronicles 16:9a

And it gets better. Jesus as lord is not a master who understands nothing of our troubles or only views them from afar. Instead, the Shepherd became a sheep to join us in our troubles and help us understand Him. He not only protects us, He understands us. He knows who we are and how we think. He knows that we struggle often and often alone.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet he did not sin.

-Hebrews 4:15

Jesus knows our innermost thoughts. He knows and understands our struggles–all of them–and only He can keep us safe and secure, He put us in His pasture. He set us in His family. 

You are not alone, and you never will be. In your innermost being, He is there. He always has been.

Questions to consider:

Q: How does it feel to know that no matter how you may be feeling, God is with you and completely understands how you feel?
Q: God is our shepherd, where do you need His guidance in your life right now?
Q: Since His word is a constant reminder that He is with us through everything, how has it been going for you with spending time in His Word? What changes might you need to make?

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