On January 7th, 2018 Alexis made the decision to get baptized into the name of Jesus! We were able to ask her a few questions and below are her responses and her testimony. So inspiring!Â
What inspired you to become a disciple?Â
  God did!! At camp this summer, I had an incredible connection with God; I was going through something very hard and I was crying out to God in my cabin, desperately asking him for his help, knowing I couldn’t get through it on my own anymore. In that moment of me completely reaching out, he touched me. I felt his peace and love in my soul, it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I then got home and began to study the Bible. In that process, God, the girls in my studies, my teen leaders, and friends, gave me the push I needed when I started to stray away. I then realized that I wasn’t going to give up on God anymore, as I have multiple times in the past, because he never gave up on me. As I was studying this time, I saw how the Word was the absolute truth and that I wanted to live in the truth for the rest of my life, not Satans lies. The only way I could live like that is if I was baptized, so I texted La Micia and told her I wanted to get baptized, and we made it happen!
What are the ways you saw God working in your life?Â
  I was dealing with a lot through my studies and I was constantly praying for God to heal me and change my heart to be forgiving and loving, and he was working! Knowing my old self, forgiving people and being humble was incredibly hard for me to do. When I asked God for help as I was studying, it was clear he was working on me.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.“
-Jeremiah 29:13.
This is also what I found. When I was really going after God, he was making himself clear in my life and changing me to be the woman of God he always wanted me to be.
What’s your favorite part about having a relationship with God?
  My favorite part about having a relationship with God is knowing that no matter what I encounter or go through, the Creator of the Universe has my back! Giving him all of my worries and anxieties to him is so relieving, since I know I’m not strong enough to handle life’s hits on my own, I need God. Also, knowing that I am loved and wanted by God is incredible, especially since I was once his enemy and separated from him. Being in my Bible and in the church connects me to him, and being connected to God is so needed and incredible.
Is there anything you’d like anybody to know about being a disciple?
   Being a two-and-a-half week old [spiritually], I don’t have much experience or knowledge YET, however I do know that having the Holy Spirit and God living inside of you is amazing. I’ve been noticing how great it is to stand up to Satan and my old sins/temptations, and how the spirit is nudging me constantly. I don’t feel lost or confused anymore, I feel so loved now and I feel like I belong with God 100%. This feeling of completeness and wholeness does not come from Satan and sin, it comes from God. Only God can fill the eternal void in our hearts, and nothing else.