Please look for the group you are in to find location of where you are meeting this Sunday.
Enjoy the smaller groups to get to know each other better as we worship and praise God.
Singles House Church, 10:30
1405 North Ave, Stratford
Campus & Teens, 10:30
at Heinzman’s, 287 Home Fair Dr, Fairfieild
Empty Nesters & Heinzman’s, 10:30
at Rountree’s, 130 Compo Rd South, Westport
Smith’s & Lamour’s, 10:30
at Lamour’s, 11 Old Hollow Rd, Trumbull
Devlin’s, Burn’s, McNeill’s, & Lanelle, 10;30
at Sebourne’s, 35 Montauk St, Fairfield
New Haven Family Groups & Stratford, 10:30
at Oliver’s, 40 Mountain Brook Rd, North Haven