Gen2Gen: Passing on the Faith

It is such an important thing that faith is passed on from one generation to another (“Gen2Gen”). The Bible is full of scriptures that discuss the importance of learning from those who went before us and allowing ourselves to be filled with the faith, conviction, and character they have. You don’t make it 20+ years as a Christian without having a solid relationship with God. Disciples who have been around for a long time have seen it all. They have seen the mistakes, they have seen the victories, they have seen the tragedies. We would do well to learn from their wisdom and faith while combining and infusing our own innovation, passion, and enthusiasm.

One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.

Psalm 145:4

This process does not happen by osmosis, it takes teachers and learners. Otherwise we may end up like the nation of Israel after the elders of Joshua’s generation died.

“After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel”

Judges 2:10

We had an incredible time this past Sunday as Jeff and Florence Schachinger, who have been in the ministry for over 30 years spoke to the next generation (ages 20-35) on several topics. If we seek to be wise, we as the next generation, must heed the proverb, “Walk with the wise and become wise” (Proverbs 13:20). As Paul said to the Corinthians Church, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” The lesson was inspiring as they recounted their history in our family of churches and talk about some topics that we have to continue to fight to keep the standard of righteousness on.

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