Be Bold for Spiritual Change

Be Bold for Spiritual Change 2017

Do you long to make a difference in this world?  Does your heart feel pain for the souls of women today?

So much is happening around us. Women everywhere are feeling angst.  Some are fearful. Some are angry. Some are passionate. They are marching. They are hoping. They are calling for change for their lives and for the lives of those around them. They hunger to feel valued. They desire a meaningful purpose. Meanwhile, too many are burdened by bitterness and weighed down by guilt and shame. Women across the world are desperate for meaningful relationships…longing to matter. Longing for love.

Myriad are the issues, but the one solid solution lies only in the person of Jesus. Only through his loving, life-giving message can the hearts of everywoman—those we don’t know as well as those we do know—find true acceptance, freedom from guilt, forgiveness, and hope. Jesus alone can give confidence, security, and purpose to all. He turned the world upside down with his culture-changing value of women when he walked this earth, and he has no desire to stop now.

To be bold for spiritual change we must start somewhere.  What can we do?

 Look around. Really see the lives behind each face. Will you pray for them? Will you act on their behalf?

Wednesday, March 8 is the annual International Women’s Day. This year’s world theme is “Be Bold for Change.”  What a fitting message for disciples of Jesus!

The need is great. We need courage and boldness to offer the mighty things God has done for us to those around us.  We must act in compassion, for without love our words are no more than clanging symbols (1 Cor. 13).

Words can be many. We can post, we can tweet, we can carry signs…but the question remains—what will we do? As the Scriptures state, Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:18)

On Tuesday, March 7, we are asking all sisters around the world to join together for a day of prayer and fasting.

For what? For boldness to change the world for Jesus. We will send specific scriptures and prayer requests via the website.

On Wednesday, March 8, we are asking all sisters to “be bold for spiritual change.” Act. Be bold. Through faith let us call on God to unleash the power of his Spirit in our lives as we share the powerful message of Jesus. And remember that we are not alone.

Prepare your hearts. Stay tuned. Tune in to: Sign up and you will receive updates. We will send ideas and would love to hear yours. Spread the word. Share. Post.

Let us call on God together, and through faith wait in grateful expectation for his mighty works.

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