There are 2 more classes left in our series.
Locations may have changed.
   August 2,   August 16
Enjoy each series, as it builds and strengthens your faith.
Marriage & Family:Â Location: Stine’s , 31 Lantern Hill Rd, Trumbull, CT.
Topics & Teachers:
Homes being a Light/Organization; Getting Advice- Ann Marie Meacham
Role of a Godly Wife- Karen Yung
Nurturing Our Marriage- Cheryl Rountree
Parenting Foundations- Florence Schachinger
Building Strong Family Dynamics/Being Fruitful- Marquette Wilson
Singles: Location: Heinzman’s 287 Homefair Dr., Fairfield, CT
Topics & Teachers:
War Room 101: Prayer & Devotion- La Micia Genova
Building Awesome One Another Relationships- Denise Goodman & Terri Simmons
Professional & Financial Excellence- LaNelle Alexander & Ajhani Ayres
Dating that Glorifies God- Samantha Jones, Nicole Chevalier & Jack
Purity in Mind, Body & Soul- Liz Burns
Women of the Word: Location: Laly’s, 1115 Main St, CT
 Look up “Laly” on A-Z directory near entrance door.
Press call button
She will buzz you in
Take elevator to 2nd floor
Go left, up ramp, to deck
Press call button
She will buzz you in
Take elevator to 2nd floor
Go left, up ramp, to deck
Topics & Teachers:
Deeper Bible study, different types of Bible study, application of the word, how to use many kinds of study tools & resources, etc.
Jan Smith, Octavia Oliver, Vikki Sebourne, Cristelle McNeil, Patti Jo McCreanor