2018 Teen Conference: Journey
We are excited to have our fifth Teen Conference this October for our Youth & Family Ministry. The Boston Church is hosting the conference. The conference will include teens from New England, New York, and New Jersey. The dates of the conference are Saturday, 10/20 – Sunday, 10/21 and will take place at the Framingham Church Building (214 Concord Street Framingham, MA) on Saturday and Nevins Hall (around the corner from the Framingham Building) on Sunday.
Our Teen Conference is led by the teens. Teens come up with a theme and title, plan and do all the classes and speeches and lead all the worship. In our past conferences God moved in great ways. We saw our young men and women used by Him to serve, convict, and inspire their own generation. We are looking forward to another conference where teens step up and bring honor and glory to God.
Families from the Boston Church will be providing housing for those traveling from New York, New Jersey and outer New England. All adults from the host families will be screened and we will provide contact information of the host family to the parents of teens being hosted. Those from outside of Boston, if you make your own housing arrangements, please do not register for housing. Any questions with housing contact Alexis Schnell (aschnell@bostoncoc.org)
The Teen Conference is for 9th graders to 12th graders (older teens). The registration is $40 with an option of an extra $5 if you want pizza on Sunday after the church service. The registration price includes materials for the conference and dinner on Saturday night.
Registration deadline is Sunday, October 7th. Please register your teen as soon as possible.
Registration Link: Â https://bostoncocweb.myshelby.org/default.aspx?page=3357&eventId=233
We will be getting more details out soon, including full schedule and other pertinent information.
Please contact Ross Lippencott (rosslipp@gmail.com) if in New York or New Jersey or Phil Arsenault (phil_arsenault@icoc.org) if in New England with any questions besides housing.