Membership Covenant

  Southern Connecticut Church of Christ

Membership Covenant

The Southern Connecticut Church of Christ is first and foremost a family of believers. Being a family there are certain things we need to agree upon so that the family can remain strong in the Lord, united as brothers and sisters and focused on our mission to seek and save the lost. Having already made a personal commitment to the Lordship and discipleship of Jesus Christ, and having been baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins, I am willing to give my heart fully to loving and obeying God and His word which includes but is not limited to the following:

Matthew 22:34-40

I. Devotion to a personal relationship with God

  • Consistent Bible study and prayer. (Acts 2:42)
  • Commitment to confront, deal, and repent of sin. (2 Co 7: 8-11)
  • Commitment to a Biblical standard of personal righteousness. (1 Co 5:9-13)

II. Devotion to the fellowship 

III. Commitment to the work of the church

  • Willingness to serve in a ministry of the church. (1 Co.12:12-25)
  • Volunteering in the children’s ministry, ushering, set up, etc. (Gal. 5:13)
  • Willingness to use my gifts and skills to help build up the church. (1 Pe. 4:10)
  • Commitment to financially support the work of the church. (1 Co. 16:1-22 Co. 8-9)
  • Commitment to support and respect church leadership. ( Heb.13: 717)

IV. A heart for the lost (Lk. 19:10)

  • A willingness to actively share my faith. (Philemon 6)
  • A willingness to study the Bible with people. (1 Thess. 2:8)

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