“Heroic” : 2020 NETC Virtual Teen Camp

Dates: Monday, August 17th through Friday, August 21st. 10am to noon, 1pm to 3pm.
Location: Online
Cost: $75.00 usd  (All fees are in US Dollars)
Optional Packet: $20 – Camp Tee-Shirt, Notebook and Pen.
To Register: NETC.BostonChurch.org

2020 New England Teen Camp Theme


From Phil Aresenault:

The title of camp in 2020 is “Heroic”. We are in turbulent times and we believe teens are being called to be world changers. There have been many heroic acts by people in history and in present day. Martin Luther King, fighting racism, died a martyr’s death. Mother Theresa, serving lepers and the poor in India, gave up the comfort of life, to bring comfort to people in need. The first responders, working with corona virus patients, putting their own lives on the line to bring health for the sick. Fighting racism, serving the poor, battling the pandemic, these are all gigantic hardships. Hardship produces heroic acts.

The ultimate heroic act in history is Jesus giving up his life on the cross. He gave his life so all souls who ever lived could have the opportunity to live the greatest and fullest life on earth and have eternal life.  Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice for the good of others.

We will be inspiring, challenging and encouraging teens to be world changers. We become a world changer one heroic act at a time. Every time we die to self and sacrifice for the good of others, this is heroic. It is heroic every time we stand against racism. It is heroic every time we sacrifice our comfort to serve the poor, sick and needy. It is heroic every time we take a stand for Jesus and live set apart from the world. It is heroic every time we speak courageously about our faith and lead a non-Christian to Jesus. Teens will be called to never back down from this lifestyle.

2020 New England Teen Camp will be about each teen changing the world, one heroic act at a time!

Matthew 20:28

just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

We will be making available to you more information as it comes out 😊

Any questions feel free to call or text Patrick or La Micia Genova at 301.648.5686

You can also contact us via Email at Patrick.Genova@sctcoc.org

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